Is float therapy safe?

Absolutely! You can rest assured you’re totally safe.

We take every measure to ensure your safety during your float therapy session at Floating Away. Our float rooms are sanitised and filtered between each use, and are designed with your comfort and buoyancy in mind. You are in good hands. If you have any specific concerns or medical conditions, we recommend consulting with our knowledgeable staff or your healthcare professional before your session.

How does float therapy work?

At Floating Away, float therapy works by lying yourself in our specially designed float rooms in a giant tub that is filled with warm water (body temperature) and Epsom salt. The high salt concentration creates buoyancy, allowing you to float on the water’s surface effortlessly. Inside the room, you enjoy a sensory deprivation environment that is free from external stimuli like light and sound, promoting deep relaxation and a sense of calm.

What are the benefits of float therapy?

Float therapy offers a multitude of benefits for your overall well-being. When you visit Floating Away, you can experience stress and anxiety reduction, improved sleep quality, pain relief, muscle recovery, and enhanced focus and mental clarity. Our seemingly weightless and sensory deprivation environment allows your body and mind to relax deeply, providing you with a truly transformative experience.

How long is a float therapy session?

Our float therapy sessions typically last around 60 minutes (90-minute floats available). This gives you ample time to fully immerse yourself in the experience and reap the maximum benefits. However, we understand that individual preferences may vary, so feel free to discuss your session length with our friendly staff.

Do I need to bring anything for my float therapy session?

No need to worry about bringing anything for your float therapy session at Floating Away. We provide all the necessary items to make your experience comfortable and enjoyable. You can expect clean towels and convenient shower facilities including natural soap, shampoo and conditioner. If there are any personal items you prefer to bring, such as toiletries, feel free to do so. We want you to feel at ease and well-prepared for your session.

Can anyone float, or are there any restriction

Float therapy is suitable for most individuals, but there may be certain restrictions for specific medical conditions or concerns. At Floating Away, your safety is our top priority. If you have open wounds or infections, suffer from epilepsy or seizures, or have any other medical conditions that may affect your ability to float safely, we recommend consulting with our staff or your healthcare professional for personalized guidance and advice. We’re here to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Will I feel claustrophobic in the float room?

Not at all! Our float rooms are spacious and comfortable, offering plenty of room to move around. The rooms provide a sense of openness and tranquillity, allowing you to relax fully and enjoy the float therapy experience. If you have any concerns or preferences regarding the room setup, our staff will be happy to accommodate your needs.

How often should I float?

Many people find that floating once or twice a week yields significant benefits. Memberships or packages for multiple sessions offer cost savings, encouraging regular floating for optimal health benefits. Others prefer to schedule a float session at least once a month to help maintain a stress-free body and mind.

When is floating not recommended?

While our advanced filtration processes effectively purify the water for each floater, it is important to note that hair dye cannot be completely removed. We advise waiting at least two weeks after a hair treatment before floating again to ensure the best possible experience.

Is Epsom salt good for the body?

Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate. It’s a chemical compound made up of magnesium, sulphur, and oxygen. It was originally discovered in Epsom in Surrey, England, hence its name. It is a completely different compound from table salt (Sodium chloride).

Epsom salt may help your body flush out toxins more quickly and efficiently, supporting better overall organ function. It can also provide pain relief for headaches, cramps, and spasms by helping to relax the body, muscles and nerves. It may help rid the body of any toxins responsible for exacerbating inflammation while also reducing swelling, stiffness, and pain.

It may improve blood circulation, therefore helping with health concerns like heart disease, strokes, elasticity of arteries, blood clots, and high blood pressure. Of course, everyone should seek professional advice in relation to all matters regarding health.

What should I expect after my float?

After your float session, we highly recommend taking a relaxing 10-minute rest in our lounge and enjoying a complimentary herbal tea before resuming your day outside our centre. Floaters have reported that this post-float rest period enhances the benefits of the experience, allowing for a gradual transition back to the external environment.

Why do I feel so good after floating?

Floating provides a unique opportunity for your body and mind to deeply relax and heal. In a seemingly weightless space, without external distractions, your body can allocate its resources to various restorative processes. Your mind can reflect and process thoughts without interruption, while your brain releases dopamine and endorphins, promoting a sense of well-being. Floating also offers the benefits of decompressing the spine and reducing inflammation in muscles and joints, leaving you with a profound sense of relaxation and peace.

Why has float therapy gained popularity?

Float therapy has gained immense popularity due to its unique and transformative experiences. Floaters enjoy deep relaxation and stress reduction in an environment free from external stimulation. The soundproof float room and the buoyancy of the saltwater solution create an effortless floating sensation, providing a truly rejuvenating experience.